Your first lesson in time management from Sam and I.
The most important lesson we learn in college is a toss-up between two things. One would be how to eat through the week with only twenty dollars to your name. The other – equally important – is how to manage your time.
“Don’t wait until the night before to do this project” we’ve all heard this before and have responded with “Challenge Accepted”. Then you turn into Barney Stinson and all of a sudden it’s 3 a.m and you’ve drank a whole pot of coffee and magically there is a semi coherent project sitting in front of you. Every time we promise not to do this to ourselves again and every time we do the exact same thing.
Then we have the students that make lists and have each step of the project planned out in their planner; the Ted Mosby's. Hey, more power to you. I could schedule out when I'm going to post blogs and what they're gonna be about for an entire month... but nothing will get posted for at least two months. This is one hundred percent because I am a last minute crammer.
So, how is this learning time management? In the “real world” no one cares how you get your work done, it just has to get done. In college we learn how we work most effectively. Some of us do our best work when we have it all planned out and can start a week in advance, while others do better under the stress of having only a few hours to finish their work.
Once you figure out what works best, stick with it. If you are a last minute crammer, don’t be ashamed of it, embrace it! Likewise, if your strong suit is micromanaging and planning things out, buy a good planner and go for it! The world needs a good balance of Barney Stinson’s and Ted Mosby’s.