Max and Bianca on the left and Baby on the right, just hating Monday. :)
Ah, Morose Monday how I loathe
I have a pet Cockatiel named Baby. I'm 100%
convinced that he hates Mondays as much as I do. Every Monday he
throws a huge hissy fit when my mom wakes up at 6 to get ready for
work. Mind you, it's pretty much the only day of the week that he
throws a fit in the morning. Unless he needs food, that calls for a
fit ANY time of day (or night for that matter).
Then there's the dogs. Max and Bianca
refuse to get out of bed on Mondays. I basically have to bribe them
with food to get them out of bed. Oh, and now that it's getting cold
they refuse to go outside. Now I have to physically pick them up and
put them outside.
Well Monday, it was nice seeing you,
I'll be dreading our battle next week.