
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Clashing Personalities?

I've tried to tell people this...
I've never read a quote so true. 

I don't know about you, but there are certain people that I just want to punch in the face.

Not that I ever would, but let's be honest, we all have people we are like that with.

I naturally gravitate toward a certain type of person and retreat (and some times cringe or run screaming) from others. I think we all do. We all have people we naturally click with and then there are people you think are just dumb as dirt.

Then there are the people who simply talk and you sit there in silence thinking:
  1. How can I make them stop?
  2. Why is this person talking to me?!
  3. Maybe if I just run away they'll never talk to me again...
  4. Still? You're still talking? 
  5. When will this end?

The worst part about this is sometimes this person who annoys the hell out of you never did anything to deserve your irrational hatred for their over all being. 

I'm just going to clarify real quick, I would never just punch someone in the face and I would never be rude to someone for no reason.

To deserve the extent of my wrath you have to at least annoy me for reasons other than being alive.

Side note- this post was originally supposed to be about clashing personalities and how to deal with people you clash with. Clearly I'm a tad bit cranky today. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Post Vacation Hell-Fire

That would be perfect . . . A paid vacation that is.

Vacationing is such a double edged sword.

While you're gone it's relaxing, worries are at a minimum, and responsibility is at an all time low.

And then you come home.

I just got home from vacation. I swear the apocalypse could have happened and there would be less to do. This happens every time I go on vacation. I know it's coming, and yet I'm never prepared for the hell-fire that awaits me upon my return home.

There should be a rule that you can't deal with life until two days after returning from a vacation. A post vacation period, for adjusting to being a functioning member of society again. 

That's all for my rant today. I'm planning on having an actual post up tomorrow :)

What do you guys want to read, any post suggestions?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Craft Night

I know you guys are used to a picture here but the crafts aren't done. So you'll get a picture later. Don't be greedy!

Yesterday was such a great day. My cousin and I spent half the day lounging (this included minor housework, but lots of couchwork) watching some of our favorite movies. As always this was done while sipping, uh, chugging coffee.

The second half of the day was spent in paradise, commonly referred to as Target.

Although we had a screaming baby for some of the time (she was completely inconsolable, so we gave her animal crackers) we had an absolutely fabulous time.

A quick stop at Starbucks and we were ready for the craft store. This stop always takes a real long time for us.

Moral of the story is, we had craft night. When we lived fifteen minutes away from each other, as opposed to the twelve hours that separate us now, we had craft night almost every weekend. It was like we were never apart.

Craft night was what it always had been. It was great to pick up right where we left off.

Do you have any one that you can pick up right where you left off with?

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Lazy Sunday

This isn't from today, but a lazy day nonetheless. 
I live for lazy Sundays.

I can't think of a better way to start my vacation than to spend all of Sunday morning in my jammies drinking coffee and eating Lucky Charms. All while cuddling with my puppy nieces.

I've watched three movies and read about four chapters of my book. All guilt free because it's Sunday and I'm on vacation.

Even when I'm not on vacation I try to take one day out of the week to do absolutely nothing. Sure, I might do a load of laundry or the dishes on this day BUT I won't commit to more cleaning or chores than that.

I'm a firm believer that taking time to do absolutely nothing is good for the soul. We are always so busy. With what? I'm still not entirely sure but we always have something to do or have somewhere to go.

In all reality it shouldn't be all that difficult to take one day out of seven to do nothing and relax. The dishes will be there tomorrow and laundry is a never-ending cycle so binge on Netflix, take a three hour nap just do whatever it is you like to do.

What's your favorite way to spend a lazy day?

Friday, July 11, 2014

Last Minute Mayhem

I don't know about you, but I wait until the absolute last minute to pack.

Clearly my methods are effective. 

It doesn't matter how long I'll be gone for. One month? Pack the day before. One week? Three hours before I hit the road. 

Procrastination is a fine art and I've perfected it. 

I just throw half my closet in a bag and hope for the best. I've never gone on vacation and left anything behind. If anything it's more like “Why on earth did I pack a wool sweater” when I'm headed to 80 degrees.

Let's be honest though, snacks are the most important part of any trip. Especially road trips. 

Now that I've made a post about it though I'll probably show up down south without a tooth brush or something....

How do you guys pack? Last minute mayhem or prepacked for a week?

Monday, July 7, 2014

Hiding Behind Others

Hiding behind others. It happens to the best of us, and sometimes we don't even realize it.

In this mess we call life we are faced with a lot of different challenges. Some of these challenges are as simple as “should I wear jeans or a maxi today?” whereas many of these challenges are much more complex.

The most complex is finding your identity. What makes you, you. Personally this has always been a struggle but recently I have seen many of the people closest to me struggle with finding themselves as well.

It's scary finding out who you are. What if your current friends don't like who you become? What if your family doesn't understand? These are all things that go through your head when trying to find yourself.

A lot of us will latch on to someone (a friend, a significant other, a family member) because it's just easier than finding out who you are.


It's okay to have a best friend and it's okay to spend a lot of time with someone. It's not okay to hide behind them, or to hide in their personality. This is one of the hardest things to learn in life and unfortunately some of us never do.

Take some time to yourself. Spend a day just reflecting on what you like to do.

I'm challenging all of you to spend a day by yourself doing something you absolutely love. Let me know how it works out for you! Good luck!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Communication is key!

The title of this post is one million percent ironic.

I don't know about you all but my family has no idea how to effectively communicate.

Okay, I guess it is effective since we can accomplish things. But goodness gracious does it give you a headache.

Don't get me wrong I love my family and all it's quirks (a lot of the time I love my family for it's quirks). Sometimes I just wish things weren't so gosh darn complicated. Like why do we have to group text, why can't ya just pick up the phone?

Or, here's my favorite "Tell (insert family members name) that I need to talk to them". WHY CAN'T YOU JUST CALL THEM?! This one just blows my mind, I will never understand the need for a chain of communication.

Okay, okay I digress, my family can communicate- it's just a little dysfunctional. But really, what family isn't?

Tell me about your family! Is yours just as dysfunctional, or do you guys have a good communication system?