
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Craft Night

I know you guys are used to a picture here but the crafts aren't done. So you'll get a picture later. Don't be greedy!

Yesterday was such a great day. My cousin and I spent half the day lounging (this included minor housework, but lots of couchwork) watching some of our favorite movies. As always this was done while sipping, uh, chugging coffee.

The second half of the day was spent in paradise, commonly referred to as Target.

Although we had a screaming baby for some of the time (she was completely inconsolable, so we gave her animal crackers) we had an absolutely fabulous time.

A quick stop at Starbucks and we were ready for the craft store. This stop always takes a real long time for us.

Moral of the story is, we had craft night. When we lived fifteen minutes away from each other, as opposed to the twelve hours that separate us now, we had craft night almost every weekend. It was like we were never apart.

Craft night was what it always had been. It was great to pick up right where we left off.

Do you have any one that you can pick up right where you left off with?

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