Today I could not sit down and focus on writing a decent blog post. I did just about everything I possibly could to
not write. So I decided instead of forcing myself to write, I'd just give you a list of the top ten things I so wisely spent my time doing today (with visuals, of course).
1.) I started with some good ol' time killing with timehop. All this really made me want to do is watch Freaky Friday...
2.) Freaky Friday quickly lost my attention so I switched over to "Duck Dynasty". I watched half of a season today... but I was watching while completing procrastination tasks three through eight.
3.) While I was watching "Duck Dynasty" I of course had to check BuzzFeed.
4.) Then of course, Pinterest. This pin made me want cupcakes...
5.) So I made a latte instead (oh and, Roll Tide). Cupcakes take waaay too long to bake.
6.) I did some laundry. As happy as I would have been to leave the laundry on the couch, my dogs decided my clothes would be better if they smelled more dog-like. Hence why I had to put them away immediately.
7.) I then decided my desk needed some serious organizing. Logically, the pile of rubber bands became a rubber band ball.
8.) Eventually I did indeed reorganize my entire "office" area. Not too shabby for a day of procrastination.
9.) Once I ruled out napping (terrible decision, by the way) my brother asked me to put numbers on our spiffy new mailbox. Look at how perfectly straight those letters are. Go ahead, admire it. I did.
10.) All that hard work procrastinating made me hungry. Naturally I had to make dinner. Mmmm Shepherd's Pie :)
There you have it folks! Ten things I did today instead of write a blog post. 'Tis the season for procrastination, the semester starts soon. I'm just preparing myself for the imminent last minute, up all night, coffee binge, homework sessions this coming semester will bring.
My favorite way to procrastinate is to drink coffee and watch Netflix, what's yours?